Listener Challenge
Listener challenge is for entertainment purposes only, and is done only at your own risk. Your Aleatoric Reality and Tuesday Productions, LLC (as well as Misha and Damon as individuals) are not responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from your participation in any listener challenge.
The Benevolent Autolottery
Choose an amount to “wager” on something like a sporting event, the Dow Jones closing value, or something else where the outcome is unknown in advance. Put the amount in an envelope and write your chosen outcome on it. If what you predicted comes to pass, you get to spend the amount on something indulgent for yourself. If your prediction turns out to be wrong, donate the amount to a charity of your choice (like your local humane society or Wikipedia, for instance).
Show Notes
Hazard is like Craps, except you pick a number from 6 to 9 to be the “main” winning number. Whether 11 and 12 are winning or losing numbers depends on which main you picked. With a main of 7, 11 is a winner and 12 is a loser, and this is Craps.
The pinball skill guy:
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